Anatoly Mikhailovich Bogomolov

Ph.D. Saratov State University 1963 Russia
Dissertation: Теория характеристических колебаний замещенных бензола / Theory of characteristic vibrations of substituted benzene
Mathematics Subject Classification: 81—Quantum Theory

Advisor 1: Mikhail Arkadievich Kovner

D.Sc. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk 1972 Ukraine
Dissertation: Алгоритмизация процессов анализа, диагноза и синтеза сложных информационных систем / Algorithmization of processes of analysis, diagnosis and synthesis of complex information systems
Mathematics Subject Classification: 68—Computer science

Advisor: Unknown

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Speranskiy, DmitriyInstitute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk19677
Speranskiy, DmitriyInstitute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk19837

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